“Thank you, Dr Buds!”


“I have been facing dandruff issues since high school days due to my oily scalp. Thus, I was searching for the right products that could help. I was using some conventional brands and to my horror, I got to know from my hairdresser that it contains a high amount of silicone oil that could clog up my scalp pores. Found Dr Buds through an online ad that said it's certified organic. Reluctantly, I gave it a try but I could feel the difference on the 1st wash itself. I was a believer from then on. Thank you Dr Buds Organics.”

“Dandruff had always been a major factor that affected my self-confidence. I used to avoid dark colour clothing because of the "flaky snow" that stick to my clothes. After using Dr Buds for about a month, the flaky snow is tremendously lesser, and I love the smell of the product too. Thank you Dr Buds.”

“After using daily for two weeks, the dandruff is gone! The shampoo smells so nice and is very gentle to my scalp. It doesn’t dry my scalp after washing, unlike other dandruff shampoos which makes my scalp and hair dry and frizzy. I am very happy and satisfied with Dr Buds.”


“During the first trimester of my pregnancy, I experienced hair loss due to hormonal changes. The doctor told me not to worry, and that my hair will grow again. However, I could not bear to have a bald patch at the top of my head as it was very obvious. I was introduced to Dr Buds Hair Loss Rescue products and without hesitance, I started using it everyday. Moreover, knowing that it is certified organic products gave me the assurance that these products are safe for my baby. I like the smell of the shampoo and the thick texture of the conditioner. Very nourishing to the scalp. The best has to be the scalp serum! After 2 months of using them, I was very happy and satisfied with the results! These will definitely be my everyday hair care products from now on.”

“A few weeks ago I posted regarding my inexplicable hair loss condition. When my hair started falling by bunches I was very distressed. I panicked not really knowing what it was due to. I saw the doctor and she said it was just a phase, I used branded shampoos like Nioxin, Shiseido even the Chinese ginger shampoo that had supposedly helped a lot of people. Unfortunately for me, it did not work, my hair kept falling. Many kind souls came up with solutions and offered advice. However I only have one head so I decided to try one of the solutions offered by my friend, which was Dr Buds Organics Hair Loss Rescue. Now several weeks later I can see that my hair drop has lessened significantly and the place where my bald spot used to be has grown in. This product is such a blessing for me. Thank you Dr Buds for restoring my hair.”

“衷心感谢好友的介绍,自从转用Dr Buds Hair Loss有机产品后,脱发减少了,头皮也没那么油。对这有机产品有信心,会继续使用!”

“My hair fall solution is here! Been using Dr Buds Hair Loss Rescue for three months now. I noticed lesser hair strands on the floor, at least 50% lesser than before using the products. Will definitely continue using and thank you Dr Buds.”


"Cuma 2 minggu saja, kulit dah tak berminyak. Jerawat pun dah tak ada. Kesan jerawat dan parut makin pudar. Warna keseluruhan kulit muka mula nampak lebih sihat dan seimbang. Memang tidak menyesal menggunakan produk Dr Buds. Ianya diiktiraf organik drpd Ecocert, kandungannya ialah bahan semulajadi dan organik. Kulit rasa lembap dan nyaman selalu."

“Hampir 3 bulan guna Set Acne saya terus jatuh hati sebab jerawat dah segan-segan nak naik. Paling saya suka cleanser dia sebab bau segar & rasa macam nak cuci muka selalu. Lagi satu Set Acne ni super duper jimat & berbaloi. Now dah nak masuk Set ke 2 selepas 3bulan guna & semoga terus serasi sebab dah taknak cari produk lain lagi.”

“Kulit muka Rose sangat sensitif. Atas nasihat dari Coach Mizhana, Rose perlu stop semua kosmetik yang mempunyai bahan-bahan yang kurang sesuai dan tidak mesra ekzema. Jadi parut-parut jerawat dan mungkin kesan penggunaan produk-produk terdahulu detox di kulit seakan jeragat tebal yang kehitaman. Setelah baby semakin sembuh dan tidak lagi menyusu badan, Rose ada juga mencuba produk-produk dari drugstore. Tapi malangnya semua tidak sesuai. Muka jadi gatal dan rengsa. Jerawat mula timbul.Rasa tidak selesa pada wajah. Rose berminat untuk mencuba produk Dr Buds secara tidak sengaja melayari web untuk mencari shampoo yang organik dan natural. Dalam masa yang sama terlihat akan set untuk acne. Hati ini berkobar- kobar untuk mencuba. Ternyata tidak mengecewakan. Mula-mula mencuba set Ddr Buds acne, jerawat-jerawat halus mula kelihatan. Rose teruskan lagi penggunaan. Dalam temph lebih kurang seminggu tiada lagi jerawat halus. Setelah 2 minggu penggunaan, rakan-rakan sekerja mula menegur perubahan di kulit wajah. Kesan-kesan hitam semakin pudar dan kulit nampak lebih sihat.”

“Saya suka dengan bau pencuci muka yang sangat segar. Teksturnya yang berbentuk gel dan tidak kasar, lembut di kulit. Kulit rasa nyaman setelah dicuci. Tiada lagi rasa pedih dan terik di wajah. Muka kurang berminyak dan jerawat mudah kecut. Tambahan lagi dengan penggunaan sebum control gel dan spot cream menjadikan kulit lebih selesa. Setelah hampir sebulan penggunaan, parut semakin menipis, lubang-lubang kesan jerawat semakin mengecil. Dr Buds organics acne rescue memang sangat serasi dengan kulit saya.Yang paling penting bebas bahan kimia berbahaya. Kulit bertambah sihat, segar dan lembap.”


"For the past 5 years, I had eczema flare-ups on my palm for unknown reasons. It might be touching some new detergent, new hair shampoo, new shower gel or even touching my dogs. The cycle kept repeating, flaring up and ending with super dry skin and peeling off by itself and then flaring up again. I’ve been using Dr Buds Easy-Clear Soothing Cleanser for a week and it's getting better, not painful when using on my wound and at least it is not so dry after a shower. And I am currently breastfeeding so I am happy to know that this is organic and without steroids which is safe for my baby. Now I am planning to get the intensive cream to prevent future flares up.”